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Enjoy Life without Cataracts

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A cataract occurs when the eye’s naturally transparent lens begins to cloud, becoming more opaque. Cataracts typically progress gradually, usually without any noticeable symptoms at first.

In fact, it may take decades until you experience visual changes that impact your daily functioning.

As cataracts worsen, they lead to a wide range of symptoms: from blurry vision and light sensitivity to halos around lights and colors appearing less vibrant.

All can severely impact your ability to read, drive and enjoy hobbies — not to mention your quality of life.

Left untreated, cataracts can eventually lead to blindness.

But cataracts can be treated with surgery and you can regain your clear vision.

During cataract surgery, your clouded eye lens is replaced with a clear plastic intraocular lens, with your unique optical prescription.

This results not only in clear vision, but freedom from glasses and contact lenses!

Cataract surgery is a safe, quick and effective procedure that’s helped millions of people around the world. And it can help you too!

Contact Low Vision Of Tennessee today to learn more about what to expect with cataract surgery and to find out whether you're a candidate

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